Mirchi top 20 songs of 2019


hi guys lets check this out

we have the mirchi top 20 songs countdown list over here



                      FRENCH FRIES

-       Take 4-5 potatoes

-       Peel the potatoes

-       Slice the potatoes with thickness of a finger

-       Cut the slices shaped stick with the thickness of a finger, more or less

-       Wash the potatoes with the water to remove excess of starch

-       Put the potatoes in plenty of oil at medium temperature

-       After ten minutes, when they are cooked but not browned

-       Let it cool

-       When be cool, the second frying

-       Get into the oil, this time at high heat, until browned

-       For two minutes

-       When be browned, put them on tissue paper



                          COLD COCOA

-       Take a bowl

-       Then add

-       3 tbsp Cocoa powder

-       1 tbsp Corn flour

-       1 tbsp Custard Powder

-       Mix it well

-       ½ Cup Cold Milk

-       Mix it well

-       1 ltr Full Cream Milk

-       Let boil for 3-4 mins

-       1/2 Cup Sugar

-       Let the sugar melt

-       Add the prepared cocoa liquid

-       Mix it well

-       Let it thicken up

-       1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate

-       Let the chocolate melt completely

-       Cold Cocoa Liquid is ready

-       Put in Refrigerator for 4-5 hours

-       Put some chocolate chips for garnishing




                      FRENCH FRIES

-       Take 4-5 potatoes

-       Peel the potatoes

-       Slice the potatoes with thickness of a finger

-       Cut the slices shaped stick with the thickness of a finger, more or less

-       Wash the potatoes with the water to remove excess of starch

-       Put the potatoes in plenty of oil at medium temperature

-       After ten minutes, when they are cooked but not browned

-       Let it cool

-       When be cool, the second frying

-       Get into the oil, this time at high heat, until browned

-       For two minutes

-       When be browned, put them on tissue paper



                          COLD COCOA

-       Take a bowl

-       Then add

-       3 tbsp Cocoa powder

-       1 tbsp Corn flour

-       1 tbsp Custard Powder

-       Mix it well

-       ½ Cup Cold Milk

-       Mix it well

-       1 ltr Full Cream Milk

-       Let boil for 3-4 mins

-       1/2 Cup Sugar

-       Let the sugar melt

-       Add the prepared cocoa liquid

-       Mix it well

-       Let it thicken up

-       1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate

-       Let the chocolate melt completely

-       Cold Cocoa Liquid is ready

-       Put in Refrigerator for 4-5 hours

-       Put some chocolate chips for garnishing




                      FRENCH FRIES

-       Take 4-5 potatoes

-       Peel the potatoes

-       Slice the potatoes with thickness of a finger

-       Cut the slices shaped stick with the thickness of a finger, more or less

-       Wash the potatoes with the water to remove excess of starch

-       Put the potatoes in plenty of oil at medium temperature

-       After ten minutes, when they are cooked but not browned

-       Let it cool

-       When be cool, the second frying

-       Get into the oil, this time at high heat, until browned

-       For two minutes

-       When be browned, put them on tissue paper



                          COLD COCOA

-       Take a bowl

-       Then add

-       3 tbsp Cocoa powder

-       1 tbsp Corn flour

-       1 tbsp Custard Powder

-       Mix it well

-       ½ Cup Cold Milk

-       Mix it well

-       1 ltr Full Cream Milk

-       Let boil for 3-4 mins

-       1/2 Cup Sugar

-       Let the sugar melt

-       Add the prepared cocoa liquid

-       Mix it well

-       Let it thicken up

-       1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate

-       Let the chocolate melt completely

-       Cold Cocoa Liquid is ready

-       Put in Refrigerator for 4-5 hours

-       Put some chocolate chips for garnishing


